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Tips to help prevent falls

Livingston County News - 10/19/2017

they are preventable. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following simple steps for staying independent as long as possible.

* Speak Up. Talk openly with your doctor about fall risks and prevention.

* Tell your doctor right away if you have fallen, if you are afraid you might fall, or if you feel unsteady.

* Review all of your medications and discuss any side effects like feeling dizzy or sleepy.

* See if taking vitamin D supplements for improved bone, muscle, and nerve health is right for you.

* Keep moving. Activities that strengthen your legs and help your balance (like Tai Chi or even walking on a regular basis) can help prevent falls.

* Begin a regular exercise program.

* Have your vision checked once a year and update your glasses as needed.

* Keep your floors clutter free. Remove things you can trip over.

* Remove small throw rugs or tape them down to keep from slipping.

* Have grab bars next to your toilet and in the tub or shower.

* Use non-slip mats in the bathtub and on shower floors.

* Improve lighting in your home to see better.

* Have handrails and extra lighting put in stair cases.

* Wear shoes both inside and outside of the house. Avoid going barefoot or wearing slippers, unless they have a skid-proof sole.