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Be aware, take charge in breast cancer battle; Sharon P. Schultz

Capital - 10/21/2018

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Each year, medical and health organizations along with other interested parties, come together to disseminate vital information designed to educate women about the value of mammography in detecting early stage breast cancer and saving lives.

The most recent statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that, during a four-year period from 2011 to 2015, there were 2,201 new cases of female breast cancer diagnosed in women living in Anne Arundel County. That translates to 134 breast cancer cases per 100,000 women. During the same time, 349 women in the county died from breast cancer; 22 women for every 100,000 residents.

But looking at the same stats through a pair of rose-color glasses, it's plain to see that during the same four-year period, there were also 1,852 new breast cancer survivors in the county. The sooner cancer is detected, the better the survival rate.

Of course, going to get a mammogram is key to the early detection of breast cancer. For a lot of women, it is not a comfortable test, however the benefits far outweigh the discomfort. Many physicians participate in some online network containing medical information of patients.

There are those who are not comfortable with having their medical information "out there" but in this situation, it can be very useful to have it available, all in one place.

Going to the same radiologist for a mammogram consistently, will leave a history of images that can be compared for changes in breast tissue and when the change began.

This is critical, invaluable information that may be needed to pinpoint an accurate diagnosis. It is extremely important to be pro-active in all health issues but especially one that can have life-threatening consequences and is not conducive to delay.

Most women who report for their regularly scheduled mammogram go through the process without incident. However, there are the special few who experience that involuntary intake of breath when the radiology technician tells you they need more "pictures" - the dreaded callback.

Sometimes the radiologist's recommendation is to recheck the breast in six months. With breast cancer, six months can mean the difference between a stage 0 diagnosis and stage 1 cancer, requiring different treatment protocols. Based on personal medical history, this may not be a viable option. Being in control is critical in deciding whether to heed the recommendation of the radiologist and wait, or to push forward to get answers now.

Days later the doctor's office calls with the results of the mammogram and there is a conversation about the findings and the recommended course of action. It is not recommended anyone in this situation go to the initial medical appointments alone. The possibility looms that the news the doctor shares may be devastating on many levels.

When hearing unsettling news, it may take a minute to absorb it. Meanwhile, the conversation is continuing, leaving you still stuck at the gate.

It is recommended you write down your questions and take a trusted family member or friend with you. They will hear information you missed and ask the questions you have forgotten.

Once you are given a diagnosis and a treatment plan, you do have the right to decide for yourself the best course of action.

Be it a second opinion from a different doctor or, an in-depth discussion about treatment options with the current doctor, you must take charge and be pro-active throughout the entire process.

Your diligence in keeping those mammogram appointments may have just saved your life. Now, you must keep your wits about you to get through what comes next.

In beginning stage breast cancers, the most common treatment is a lumpectomy. A surgeon removes the cancer and the area around it to achieve "a clean margin" meaning they got it all. A lumpectomy may then be followed by a prescribed number of radiation treatments, or several rounds of chemotherapy, or both.

There are some women who take a more definitive approach to the recommended treatment based on personal and family medical histories. Rather than having a lumpectomy, some women elect to have a mastectomy to achieve some peace of mind going forward.

Another option women exercise is the removal of both breasts even though cancer was only found in one. Many women choose to eliminate the possibly of cancer coming back in the second breast. There are choices involving reconstruction as well. Implants can be inserted simultaneously as the breast tissue is removed.

Or reconstruction can be done later. Again, it's the patient's choice.

Once a treatment plan has been agreed upon, prepare for an assortment of current and new medical professionals to be part of daily life for the foreseeable future. The primary care physician, gynecologist, breast surgeon, plastic surgeon, radiation oncologist, medical oncologist, genetic counselor and dietitian are part of your team now.

Whether accepting referrals or selecting your own, it is helpful to have all your doctors connected through the same medical system. It provides easier access to necessary information for your team, and for you.

In 2007, I was diagnosed with stage 0 ductal carcinoma in situ in my right breast. The cancer was detected very early by a routine mammogram. I had a lumpectomy followed by 33 radiation treatments.

In 2010, I was diagnosed with stage 0 ductal carcinoma in situ in my right breast. My "margins" were not clear. Shortly thereafter I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction done simultaneously. No further treatment was recommended.

In 2009, my younger sister found a lump in her left breast. She went to the doctor and received a diagnosis of breast cancer, stage 4. Her treatment protocol included a lateral mastectomy, radiation treatments, and chemotherapy. In 2012 my sister's cancer returned with a vengeance and took her life just months later.

We'd just celebrated her 58th birthday. My sister had declined further treatment, choosing quality of life over longevity. Sadly, she did not have as much time as she had thought.

In 2014, my then 34-year-old daughter was diagnosed with stage 1 ductal carcinoma. Because she was not the recommended age for screening, she had to fight for authorization to have a mammogram. Ultimately It was her immediate family's history of breast cancer that was the deciding factor.

Despite this, when a "change" was detected on her last mammogram, the radiologist recommended a six-month recheck. She waited and the result was stage 1 cancer. My daughter promptly elected to have a bi-lateral mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction. No additional treatment was recommended.

Today, my daughter and I share a medical oncologist, a breast surgeon, a plastic surgeon and a genetic counselor. Ironically, genetic testing found that neither my sister, my daughter, nor myself carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.

In the not-so-distant-future, her daughter, my granddaughter, will be faced with the same challenges based on her genetics. Dare we hope that research will finally prevail and she will be spared the anguish of making life and death decisions as she matures?

Every individual is unique, as is the cancer that forms inside them. Women - and men - need to be pro-active participants in their health care. Medical professionals in cancer treatment centers are highly trained in the latest medical procedures to assist you along the path to wellness. However, it is incumbent on the patient to communicate with the medical team exactly which path should be taken to achieve that goal.

The American Cancer Society remains the leader in providing current and comprehensive information about everything that is cancer-related. Books, pamphlets and other print media as well as a variety of CDs are available simply by asking.

For a helpful source that provides helpful resources, visit and

Breast cancer awareness is not just about knowing how to protect yourself from the disease - it's about knowing how to survive it.

Sharon P. Schultz is a writer/photographer from Anne Arundel County and

a two-time breast cancer survivor.

She is also a community correspondent

for Capital Gazette. Contact her via

email at

Credit: - Sharon P. Schultz is a writer/photographer from Anne Arundel County and ;a two-time breast cancer survivor. ;She is also a community correspondent; for Capital Gazette. Contact her via ;email at